sesimilla weed is known as crippy or crip where im from (south Florida) its basically seedless bud and because its seedless more energy was put into making more resin with the phychoactive substance THC making the weed more potent,
1 gram of sensimilla is 20
1/8th an ounce is 50
1/4th is 100
half o 200
full oz 300-400 dollars
$100.00 per quarter ounce
a dove of weed cost 20$
The cost of the weed paper depends wit the size.
It is all depending on what kind of weed you want and where you live.
A lot
Usually 20 bucks
About $7,500,000
i think its 5 dollars a gram and 25 a quarter think it cost the same as Reggie or dirt weed in weight...but its more potent
From 200 to 245
a quad of weed is a gram and it costs $10.oo, why the hell do you want to know, are you sellin' or buyin'?