Not necessarily. If you are worried go to the doctor. Your cervix gets soft to prepare for the baby. If you are carrying unusually low go to the doctor and have a physical. That's were should be instead of this website. Only your docotor can really tell you what's going on.
They say it's "butter soft" when you are pregnant...
Cervix becomes soft at 4 weeks pregnancy. Not only cervix but uterus also becomes soft. Gynecologist is very careful while doing termination of pregnancy. ( Suction and evacuation.) Otherwise perforation of uterus occurs. Non-pregnant uterus is a tough structure and duringD and C, (Dilatation and curettage.) uterus does not get perforated, unless you want to perforate it.
Your cervix can change daily when pregnant or not. It can even change height and position if you are constipated or just relieved yourself. If concerned while pregnant speak with your doc, other than that you can learn your cervical pattern but charting and checking daily at the same time and same position. A cervical check can not tell if your pregnant by touch alone.AnswerHi, I am not an expert, but i have been pregnant four times and given birth to five healthy baby boys!! So I would say I have some experience. A soft high cervix usually means that you are going to, are, or just have ovulated. After ovulation your cervix goes back to harder and lower.(easily felt) In early pregnancy, your cervix should be low and harder just as it was before ovulation.AnswerWrong. I am pregnant NOW, and my cervix is low and SOFT.) Answeryou can be further in pregnancy with my 2 my cervix was high hard and closed also felt like it was not attached to the wallAnswerI am 5 weeks, 3 days pg and my cervix is high, soft and closed, but it can be different for everyone. When I was 4 weeks and first found out, I noticed it was low (but not as low as during AF), medium and closed.
If you are pregnant your cervix will swell and get firmer to the touch. This is due to the entrance being sealed so it now starts collecting fluids inside.
Take the tip of your finger and press the tip of your nose. This is how a non-pregnant cervix generally feels. Now take the tip of your finger and press the fullest point of your bottom lip. A pregnant cervix generally feels "soft and mushy." You cannot feel it from the outside.
When your midwife tells you that it means that your cervix is beginning to ripen and possibly efface and dilate. Currently im 1 cm dilated 60% effaced and have been in labor but not "active labor" for the past week. My cervix isn''t dilating so they dont consider that "active labor".
Hi there. I am now 8 weeks but at 7 weeks I noticed that on day 5 my cervix was extremely low and soft and I wasn't sure what that meant either. Looking up stuff on the internet about it put my mind at ease as a tonne of other women had experienced the same thing at 6 or 7 or 9 weeks etc. I don't think it necessarily means anything as I was not due for my period (had I not been pregnant) nor ovulation. The following day it was back up again and all was fine after that.
You can't see your cervix. I'm not sure why you would think it's open. Have you put your finger in your vagina to feel it? If you do that, it should feel soft like your lips if you're pregnant. If you aren't pregnant it should feel hard like the tip of your nose.
No, it's impossible. So you're not pregnant.
Its your cervix that's completely normal.
that isn't your cervix, it is your clitoris. your cervix is a tiny hole way way way up inside of your vagina. your clitoris is a little flap of skin in between your labia or "lips". and yes it is normal. everyones looks different but i have a few friends whos clit stick out.