anybody to sign must be 18+it depends really , what sort of piercing you get if you ge like your ears , well yeh, or the top of your ear , if its like ur eyebrow or tongue probarbly, if its ur nose i think just over 18's like cousins .
puss is a sign of infection
You have to be 16 at least anywhere in Canada to sign for your own piercing
Any body piercing studio will do the piercing for you but you will need your parents to go and sign the consent forms before you can get it done.
Yes it is, it's a sign that the piercing is healing. yeah, its like a scab before a cut heals.
18 years of age
You will havea white/yellow/clear discharge it is just flushing out anything in the piercing. It's just a sign of healing.
Unless she is your legal guardian and you have proof of it, the answer is definitely no.
Depends on where you are but most places its 18.
How long has it been pierced
Look up local shops near you, my Monroe piercing cost $45, but my sister's bottom lip costed $55, because they are popular! Sometimes there are sales and stuff one piercing shop was piercing people for free!
When going to get a piercing/ tattoo you are asked to sign a contract. In Missouri anyone under the age of 18 can not sign a contract therefore you cant get a piercing/' tattoo unless your parent/guardian is there to sign and can prove they are your parent/guardian.