Well i know i have two children now and with both i was still coming on my period so i didnt think i was pregant cause i having my period but everyone body is different so i know you can still have a period and still b pregant cause everytime i found out i was pregant i was 5 months
Typically if you get your period you are not pregnant.
yes you can still get preggers while on the monthly
hi my name is Sarah and me and my boyfriend had sex. I had my period early and i think i am Pregnany i should of had my period on oct 1 and it didn't come and still didn't come i am scared that i mat be pregnant.......Help me
yes you can but it is very unlikely but it is still possible because my friend was pregnant and she was on her period and she thought she wern't but she was .. so if you think you are its always best to get checked out
You will. I read in a book that if you get pregnancy during your period, it will keep on going, so I think its the same thing.
the answer to your question is yes it is very normal to get your period while pregnant it is nothing to worry about.While you are pregnant you don't get a period, but you may have spotting. If you think your pregnant take test.
yes you are pregnant
If you're pregnant your period will not come down.
I don't think so, it could be that you have a infection or a signal that your period is by to come
clarify joymaker rn
yes, it is. i am 10 days late for my period and just found out today actually that i am around 5 weeks pregnant. i thought my period was still going to come i didnt think i was preg at all considering i have been on bc for 4 years but here i am 5 wks pregnant
http://www.coolnurse.com/birthcontrol.htm http://www.crisispregnancy.com/birth-mother/pregnancy-questions.html http://www.epigee.org/guide/medfaq.html Yes, you can still have your period and be and feel pregnant. My Mom had her period with all 3 of us.