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Q: Can your period be late for reasons other than pregnancy?
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Related questions

What are common reasons of a late period?

Pregnancy or stress.

Could you be pregnant at 42-43 if you're period is 42 day late?

Yes, it is possible to be pregnant at 42-43 years old if your period is 42 days late. Late or missed periods can be an early sign of pregnancy, and it is important to take a pregnancy test to confirm if you are pregnant or if there are other reasons for the delay.

If your period is 2 days late are you pregnant?

Hmm, maybe, but not necessarily. Try a pregnancy test, the best brands can tell you already.

Why has my period been missing since 2017?

Missed or late periods happen for many reasons other than pregnancy. Common causes can range from hormonal imbalances to serious medical conditions.

Dy 27 prior to your period you have no sickness or signs of pregnancy except that your breasts are feeling full and i get your period day 25 or 26 you took a HPT and it is negative neg am i pregnant?

You could be. It is best to take a hpt 5 to 10 days after a missed period to get the most accurate result, otherwie you can get a false negative. Normally a women is late at some time or another. (Stress & eating habits are 2 common reasons why a period is late...Other then pregnancy that is)

Late period what should i do?

take a pregnancy test.

What causes your period to be four days late?


I was three days late this month and when my period started it lasted only two days its normally five What are the reasons other than pregnancy?

Your diet is lacking essential nutrients so your period was delayed and it didn't last as long. Try taking a multivitamin.

If you have an IUD and have symptoms of pregnancy?

The Merina and other hormone secreting IUD's can have some symptoms of early pregnancy, if your period is 7 days late call your doctor.

What if period is 10 DAYS late then last longer?

Could be pregnancy and early miscarriage. Could also be a long cycle (due to stress, or travelling, or other reasons). Could be medical reasons (i.e. endometriosis, or PCOS). Could be many things. Go see a doctor.

Is it possible your pregnant when your period is 2 weeks late then you get it but you have a lot of pregnancy symptoms?

If you are on/had your period your probably not pregnant, but do a pregnancy test to be sure.

What if your 4 weeks late with your period?

Four weeks is a long time to be late. There are multiple reasons for being this late in one's menstration. Most common reasons would be pregnancy or too much weight loss in too little time. In either case, a doctor's visit would be a good idea.