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Yes, mine speaks to me in spanish

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Q: Can your belly button talk
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Does your belly button talk to you?

it can, if you talk to it first

Can you use a lip ring for your belly button?

YES if you talk with your belly

Why can't your belly button talk?

Well really anyone can answer this answer. Its because your belly button cant breathe and it doesn't have a mouth and its not a living thing.

Is there only one place to pierce your belly button?

You can pierce your belly button anywhere you please really, talk to your piercer and they will let you know what your anatomy allows for.

What would you do if what if your belly button started talking to you?

Talk to a doctor. You have a problem. SERIOUSLY!>.

What did body part did Alfred Hitchcock not have?

He was rumored to not have a belly button.

What is the name of a store where you can get your belly button pierced?

You need to peruse your local shops and talk to many people in there about it. There are no "stores" as in wal-marts, targets or the like that will pierce a belly button for various reasons.

What kind of belly button does SpongeBob have?

Out Belly Button

What is a belly button ring?

A belly button ring is a body piercing placed in a cauterized area of the belly button.

Which side is your belly button on?

My belly button is located in the center of my abdomen.

Can you pierce your belly button with a belly button ring?


How do you say belly button in french?

le nombril is the name for the belly button in French.