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yes it can

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Q: Can your belly be sore in early pregnancy?
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Related questions

At what stage in pregnancy do you get sore breasts?

You will get sore boobs at your early stages of pregnancy.

Does your belly button feel different during early pregnancy?

In my experience, my belly button did not feel different during early pregnancy.

Why is sore throat an early pregnancy symptom?

Its not and where did you get that at

Do you get a sore stomach when your in early pregnancy?

Yes, your uterus is preparing for your pregnancy, slight cramping is ok unless it is accompanied by bleeding

Is extremely sore breasts during early pregnancy normal?

yes, very normal

What are three early signs of pregnancy?

The three early signs of pregnancy is sore breast that comes and goes,morning sickness and scent that u once enjoy smells

Is change in breast from sore to no longer sore common in early pregnancy or is it likely the sign of a misscarriage?

I had very sore breast, when I was pregnant, until 6 weeks when I found out I'd miscarried.

Are sore breasts before period is due is it too early for a pregnancy test?

Sore breasts before period is normal. If you miss your period, take a test

Is sore breasts and bloating signs of early pregnancy?

Sore breasts and bloating can be a sign of pregnancy, but sore breasts can also be a sign your periods due. With the bloating it wouldn't usually occur until about 10wks in pregnancy as you will find yourself constipated which naturally enough would cause you to bloat. When you arrive on your period date you can home test :)

What are the best signs of early pregnancy?

There are various signs of early pregnancy with the most famous one being shortness of breath. Other signs include sore breasts, fatigue, nausea and frequent urination.

Is bloating sore nipples peeing every hour and a early light period and fatigue signs of pregnancy?

Yes it is

When do your breasts become sore during pregnancy?

Yes. Sore breasts in early pregnancy are common. As they begin to develop the mechanism for producing milk, there are a lot of changes and things get a bit crowded.