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Q: Can your 13 year old get her nose pierced with your consent?
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How old do you have to be in phoenix to get your nose pierced without parent consent?

You Have To Be Atleast 18. :)

How old do you have to be to get your nose pierced with a parent?

any age as long as you parent gives you consent ....usually they sign something.

Can an eleven year old get there tongue pierced with a parent's consent?

no. not in any state.

Can a twelve year old get her ears pierced without parental consent in Tennessee?

no she cant

What percentage of 13 year old have their nose pierced?

A lot less than 50%

Can a ten year old boy get his ear pierced?

Well with Parental consent you can get anything you want pierced as long as the parent signs off on it.

How old can you be to get your nose pierced?


I have an old pimple in the area i will be getting my nose pierced will this be a problem?

An old pimple in the area you will be getting your nose pierced shouldn't be an issue

How old do yo have to be to get your nose pierced?

I am 14 years old, and I recently got my nose pierced. Many piercing places vary with the age that you're allowed. There is no law with nose piercings, like there is with tattoos, but many places recommend 13 years of age, with parental consent, and 16 years of age with ID. I hope this helped:)

How old do you have to be to get your nose pierced in Massachusetts?


How old do you have to be to get your belly pierced in Alaska with parental consent?

There is no specific age to get anything pierced with parental consent...but make sure that it's your parents giving the consent and not someone else.

How old do you have to be to get your septum pierced?

at least 14 with parent consent.