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Q: Can you use magnum large rifle primers in 243 loads?
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Can I reload 243 using large rifle primers for magnum loads?

The .243 IS a large rifle primer cartridge. However, you should stay with standard primers unless a trusted source of information lists a magnum primer for a given load. When you change ANY one component- powder, bullet, primer- go to the starting load and work up. Magnum primers can give unexpected pressure levels with some powders.

Do you need a magnum primer for reloading a 270 wsm?

Yes, you need to use large rifle magnum primers.

What are the different types of primer in a ammunition?

small pistol large pistol magnum pistol small rifle large rifle magnum rifle .50 BMG These are the primers used in all pistol and rifle ammo that is commercially available. Larger, artillery type, ammunition uses much different primers, obviously.

Can Remington 6.5 primers be used in a 223 rifle?

If you are asking about the Remington 6.5 rem.mag round,then this cartridge takes large rifle/or large rifle magnum primers.The .223 Remington cartridge takes the small rifle primer.Both of these center fire primers differ in size and cannot be interchanged.The .223 Rem cartridge requires small rifle primers.

Can you use large rifle primers in 45acp cases?


Is there reload data concerning using large pistol primers instead of large rifle primers?

No- they do not interchange- difference in height.

Can small pistol and rifle primers be interchanged?

The SP and SR primers are same size, but with different cup thickness/hardness and different amount/brisance of priming compound. You will need to be vigilant in working up loads. You can use small rifle primers in place of small pistol, just not the reverse.

Are large rifle primers usable in 45 automatic colt pistlo cases?

NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! DANGER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! UNSAFE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

What caliber ammo takes large rifle primers?

30/06 among many others

Are large rifle primers compatible in 45 automatic colt pistol cases?

Yes, they are. Small Rifle can be used for Small Pistol, but not the other way around. Large Rifle can be used for Large Pistol, but not the other way around.

What do you need to make ammunition?

Reloading press die sets and shell holders case lube pad and case lube case neck lube and brushes case trimmer powder measure powder scale powder trickler case tumbler case trimmer reloading data manuals caliper cartridge specific primers (small pistol, large pistol, magnum pistol, small rifle, large rifle, magnum rifle) brass (cases) cartridge specific propellent (gunpowder) bullets reloading blocks funnels

Are small rifle primers ok for use when loading 45 auto?

No. They are the wrong diameter, 45 you need large pistol/large rifle sized primer diameter. Also rifle primers are thicker and require a heavier primer strike that some pistols can not deliver. My Springfield XDM only intermittently can set off a small rifle primer when used to load 9mm.