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yeah but its probably not the best thing to do.

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Q: Can you use ear piercings for your lip piercing?
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Does Claire's offer hoops as an ear piercing earring?

No, Clarie's don;t offer hoops as an ear piercing option because they don't do ear piercings. What Claire's use is a piercing gun which is more like cattle branding than a piercing, because they use a gun they have to use studs that fit into the gun. If you go to an actual piercer they can use hoops.

How long does it take to get your ear pierced?

it depends what type of ear piercing you mean. for a lobe piercing it can take just a few seconds because its a gun. do not let them use a gun to pierce cartilage! a cartilage piercing can take a minute or two. i have 6 piercings so i speak from experience when i say most piercings are short and painless

What is the social meaning of lip piercings?

You have too much time on your hands, in this day and age piercings in the public do not indicate anything other than a personal style or taste. Read a book, go fishing, buy a kite, but quit reading something into body piercing that is not there.

Do they do nose piercing at piercing pogoda?

Nope! They only do ear piercings on the lobes and cartilage's. Nothing that requires a actually needle. Just things that they can use those disposable guns on.

Is neosporin good for lip piercings?

No, you are only supposed to use soap to clean the piercing. That includes no peroxide, alcohol, etc.

Can you use a ear piercing cleaner on my nose?

Yes, you can use ear piercing cleaner on a nose piercing.

What are all the piercings at Claire's?

Claire's don't perform piercings, they use piercing guns. If you want to get a piercing then go to a studio with a professional piercing using the correct and safe equipment.

Does Nordstrom do ear piercing?

Don't go to a place like that for piercings as they normally use the piercing gun. It is much better to go to a shop where they use piercing needles and NRTs (needle receiving tubes). Any reputable shop will use an autoclave to clean everything, whereas mall shops and retailers use the piercing gun. The gun cannot be cleaned effectively, can cause trauma to the area you are having pierced, and the cleaning solutions they usually sell are not good for piercings at all.

What should you use instead of peroxide to clean your new ear piercing?

You do not use Peroxide to clean your ear piercings. Soap and water and leave them alone, you could always read the written aftercare instructions you were provided with by your professional body piercer.

Will clarie's peirce your lip?

The people at Claire's will not pierce lips. They only pierce lobes and, at some locations, the cartilage of your ear. They use piercing guns instead of needles, and the guns cannot be used on the lip.

When you get your lip pierced and after it heals you want to change the stud What is the best size to use?

The jewellery for piercings isn't something you buy off the shelf, the piercing needs to be measured and size according to what you were pierced with and where the piercing is at with the healing. You need to see a professional body piercer to get the appropriate jewellery for your piercing.