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Nope. It makes it raw and causes keloids

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Q: Can you use alcohol on a new piercing?
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Is it bad to use rubbing alcohol to clean a lip piercing?

No professional body piercer is going to let you use alcohol to clean your piercing, it's too hard on the piercing and kills the new tissue trying to form. Follow the written aftercare instructions your professional body piercer provided you with during your piercing.

Can you use drinking alcohol to clean a bellly button piercing?

You never use any type of alcohol to clean any piercing. Use a mixture of natural sea salt and warm water. Alcohol kills whats helping your piercing heal.

Can you use alcohol to clean a belly button piercing?


What not to use while your lip piercing is healing?

-Mouthwash with alcohol -peroxide -alcohol -Don't put chapstick/lip balm around the actual piercing. You can use it just not on it.

What do i use to clean your nose piercing?

Alcohol should not be used on any piercing. Soaking your piercing in sea salt is best. you can also use non scented antibacterial soap to clean your piercing

Can you use alcohol with wintergreen in it to clean your ears?

you shouldn't use alcohol to clean any piercings. You can use alcohol to disinfect your jewelry but not the piercing itself. It dries it out.

What is so bad about using mouth wash with alcohol after getting your toungue pierced?

Continued use of alcohol will interfere with the body's ability to form new skin, which is the goal of the healing process after piercing.

Can i use alcohol to clean newly pierced ears?

NO ABSOLUTELY NOT. You never want to use peroxide or alcohol on a piercing. Sea Salt Soaks are ideal.

Is it true that alcohol can cause swelling to a lip ring even three weeks after getting it done?

Alcohol can get into the piercing and en flame the new tissue trying to form, so yes it can irritate the piercing until the piercing becomes more seasoned (toughened).

What ill happen if use hydrogen peroxide on your belly button piercing?

Hydrogen Peroxide generated oxygen when it bubbles, this can damage the new tissue your body is trying to form to make up the piercing. There is no need to use this or alcohol on any piercing. Simply rinsing the piercing daily in the shower under warm running water and moving the jewellery while doing so is plenty to ensure the piercing is clean and healthy.

Last night you made out with your boyfriend with a new tongue piercing you had just gotten it two weeks ago After you had rinsed with Listerine What are the chances of it getting infected?

maybe maybe not never NEVER use listerine on an oral piercing. Only use an alcohol free mouthwash, like Tom's of Maine.

Can you use alcohol to clean your belly button?

No. Alcohol is much too harsh. It kills everything, including whats helping the piercing heal. Put a pinch of natural sea salt into a shot glass of warm water. Use that to clean your piercing and soak it for 5 mins 2-3 times a day.