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Q: Can you use a 44 mag in a 410?
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Are 410 shotgun rounds and 44 mag rounds interchangable?

no, a 44magnum round generates way too much pressure to be fired in a 410 chamber if your guns full choke as most 410's are it will in some cases spilt or bulge the barrel, 410 slugs are more powerfull then a 357 magnum, and theres no real gain in power lobbing a 44 mag out a smooth bore

What bullets can use in a 44 mag?

44 special and 44 magnum only

Colt Manufacturing Company Colt Army Single Action 44 serial number D73842 would like to know date of manf and right ammo to use?

your colt is of modern manufacture period. it will take the 44 mag. cartridge 'IF' the barrel has 44 mag. written on it. Or, it could be a 44 special, also written, whereby you cannot use 44 Mag. cartridge. However, if it is a 44 mag. cartridge, then you can shoot modern 44 mag. cartridges OR 44 special cartridges............

Can you use 44 special ammo in a Henry 44 Mag?

It may not feed well, but can be shot.

Is a 44 mag measured in metric?


What is the range of a 44 mag rifle?

You can fire a 44 mag out of a rifle in excess of a mile.

Can you shoot a 44 special round in a 44 mag pistol?

Yes. The 44 special is a bit shorter than the 44 magnum, so it will fit in the cylinder of the 44 mag. The reverse won't work, however. A 44 mag cannot be fired in a revolver chambered for the 44 special because the 44 mag is too long and won't fit in the cylinder of the 44 special.

Which gun is best the mag 44 or the mag 500?

Impossible to answer without knowing what your intended use is. Both are useful in a variety of situations.

Can you fire 44 magnum calibre ammunition in revolvers and rifles?

As long as both the rifle and the revolver are chambered in .44 magnum you can use the same ammunition for both. I have a Henry rifle in .44 mag and a Ruger redhawk .44 mag and I use the same ammo for both. That's one of the nice things about that caliber.

What is more powerfull 44 mag or 357?


What can shoot out of a 44 mag revolver?

44 magnum and 44 special.

Can a 410 shoot a .44 bullet?

DO NOT ATTEMPT TO DO THIS!! Never use ammunition in a firearm not designed for it.