yes. but the seating die would have to be higher up then for the 45 acp. I have loaded 45 long colt with my 45 acp dies set.................also, need 45 long colt shell holder.........
45 long colt is more powerful. It is usually used in revolvers and lever action rifles.
simply put .... no... you need long caliber bullets to fit in the chamber properly Actually, if you have some half moon clips, you can shoot .45acp in a .45LC. You will not be pleased with the results though. Buy some .45 LC ammunition please.
The 45 long colt has a longer rimmed case and is used in revolvers and rifles. The 45ACP has no rim, is shorter and is used in automatic pistols. They share the same bullets but the cases and powder charges are different. You can't interchange the two.
There is no difference , there was a 45 short colt cartridge made for just a short time back in the early1900's but it quickly went away , however the name " Long Colt " just stuck .
The 45 long colt has a longer rimmed case and is used in revolvers and rifles. The 45ACP has no rim, is shorter and is used in automatic pistols. They share the same bullets but the cases and powder charges are different. You can't interchange the two.
can the charles daly 45 colt handle 325 grain bear loads safely
It's subjective, and a matter of opinion. Some people will swear by the Colt M1911 all day long, others praise Kimber (in spite of their use of MIM internals). Personally, I'm partial to the Sig P220.
Contact Uberti Customer Service through their website and get an owner's manual. You did not say what MODEL rifle you have.
the judge fires 45 colt which is the same as 45 long colt not to be confused with 45 acp it also fires 410 shot shells
Long Load's population is 361.
The .45 Schofield can be fired in a .45 Long Colt revolver, but the .45 Long Colt cannot be fired in a .45 Schofield revolver.
how 2 fix trigger on colt .22 long riffle