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The Short answer is yes. Even in a 410 gauge shotgun with a full choke. Remember that a "410" is 41 caliber or .41 inches in diameter. oo buckshot is only about .32 inches in diameter.

The same is true for shooting slugs in a shotgun. There is no safety issue involved. You will notice that there is no warning on the packaging of the ammunition. In our litigious times you can be sure that if there was a problem there would be a warning printed on the box.

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Q: Can you use 00 buckshot in any shotgun?
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What is the best shot size for buckshot?

Depends on the use, and how YOUR shotgun patterns. For deer (some areas do not allow slugs or rifles, so buckshot it is) I am partial to 00 Buckshot. Larger pellets retain more energy, give better penetration.

Is there a single shot shotgun that you can shoot a deer slug and double 00 buckshot?

Slugs and shot are simply the contents of the packaged shotshells. Any shotshell can be filled with shot of various sizes, including 00 buck or with slugs and any shotgun (single shot; pump, double or automatic) that will chamber that shell can shoot those loadings. One caution is that slugs and buckshot should not be used in shotguns fitted with full chokes. Modified chokes and improved cylinders are probably OK, and full chokes can be used with birdshot (smaller pellets).

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How far can a 20 gauge shotgun shoot?

Depends on projectile size. # 9 shot probably won't travel 200 yards, but 00 or 000 buckshot or a deer slug might travel over a mile.

Can you shoot double 00 buckshot from an improved choke tube?

Yes, but check your pattern. Most shotguns will pattern buckshot best with a more open choke.

How far can buckshot travel?

Depends on the size of the buckshot, and the velocity as it leaves the gun. Larger buckshoot (00 or 000) will travel further than small (#4 Buckshot). A MAXIMUM range (not an maxiumum effective range) is around 880-900 yards.

What is the difference in buckshot?

Buckshot is the large round lead shot fired from a shotgun for hunting large animals, suck as deer (as in Bucks and Does- shot for bucks) The lead balls come in different sizes, denoted by a number. The smaller the number, the larger the shot. The largest standard buckshot is 000, triple ought, at about .35 caliber. 00 (double ought) is the most common, at about .32 caliber. There is 0,1,2,3, and #4 buckshot- about .25 caliber. Different shotguns will pattern some shot better than others. Larger, heavier shot has more range, and greater penetration.

Can Stevens 12 gauge model 95 shot 00 buck shots?

Yes- Buckshot, birdshot, or slugs.

What is the maximum range in yards of the M500 shotgun?

The maximum range for the Mossberg 500 is 55 yds for shot (the Navy uses 00 buckshot), and 328 yds for rifled slugs. However, the effective ranges are about 44 yds for both, though of course slugs will do a lot more damage. The Mossberg 500 is an outstanding shotgun, easily maintained and durable (much more so than the Remington 870, which requires repair much sooner with comparable use).

What is a shotgun?

A shotgun is a firearm intended to project shot instead of bullets. The shot will spread and make it mush easier to kill a bird which the main use of a shotgun. It turns out they are also very devastating in battle with heaver shot. Bird shot is small and anti-personell shot is large, .34 caliber vrs say .3 caliber. there are 9 shot pellets in a 00 buckshot battle load and probably 200 #7 shot in a bird load.The current most popular shotgun used by hunters is Benelli 828U & Ethos Series.To know more visit EuroOptic