Depends on the size of the buckshot, and the velocity as it leaves the gun. Larger buckshoot (00 or 000) will travel further than small (#4 Buckshot). A MAXIMUM range (not an maxiumum effective range) is around 880-900 yards.
About 1" past the muzzle.
Depends on projectile size. # 9 shot probably won't travel 200 yards, but 00 or 000 buckshot or a deer slug might travel over a mile.
Buckshot Racing was created in 1995.
Buckshot Roberts died in 1878.
Buckshot Racing ended in 2002.
Depends on what you are shooting in the 12 gauge. Birdshot is effective to about 40 yds, but can travel about 500. Buckshot (larger pellets) is effective to about 50 yds, but travels about 800. Slugs (one big piece of lead) is effective to about 100-150 yds, but can travel about 1500 yds.
The duration of Buckshot John is 3000.0 seconds.
Buckshot's birth name is Kenyatta Blake.
Buckshot Jones was born on 1970-07-23.
Buckshot May was born on 1899-12-13.
Buckshot May died on 1984-03-15.
Buckshot John was created on 1915-02-04.