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yes you can they cant lock up your phone they can only cut your service off

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Q: Can you unlock a phone when the bill hasn't been paid?
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get a lawyer? or pay the bill.

What does PUK blocked mean?

PUK is the Phone Unlock Key. It's the code you enter when you swtich your phone on. If you enter the wrong PUK 10 times in a row - your handset is locked (it's a security feature to guard against someone else using it !). To unlock it - simply call your network provider (from another phone) and they'll unlock it for you. You will have to answer some security questions - such as the amount of your last bill and how you paid it - so the company knows you're the legitimate user.

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To track calls you can use the 'Cell tracker' App for Andriod but if your son doesn't have an Andriod phone you can call his network provider/cell phone company and ask for a copy of the bill. The bill shows exactly who he has been calling.

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easy just unlock by using the code BIGBADBILL3332

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not on your phone bill.

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No, you cannot file my cell phone bill in a bankruptcy. However, you can file YOUR cell phone bill in a bankruptcy.

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The size of the appartment has nothing to do with the phone bill, the use made of the phone is what governs the size of the bill.

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so far no one has seen him with a girlfriend and he hasnt said anything about having one (as of march 2008)

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The I phone does not work at bill gates house.

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the highest phone bill is -1,235,595 dollars

If you call someone using 67 will your phone number show up on their cell phone bill?

Star (*) 67 Blocks person being called from seeing your phone number. The itemized section of your phone bill should show the same info that would have been recorded had you not used the caller ID blocking function.