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Q: Can you text from textfree to textfree?
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Is textfree or text plus better?


Can you use textfree with voice online?

Yes, you can use textfree. ( ), But you can only text. Hope I helped!

What app would you buy to be able to text?

textfree w/voice textfree they're both free

Can you text on your iPod?

Yes you can, there is an app called textfree

Why is textfree with voice not notifing you when you get a text?

because its FREE

Can you send text on a text app like textfree on ipod touch to United Kingdom phones?

If you have a text free app, yes, you can.

How do you text on iPod touch?

you either get text+ or textfree by pinger. theres some other apps but i cant remember

Can you text people on an itouch?

there are apps such as textfree that allow u to text on one they require internet connection though

How do you add contacts on a i pod touch text free?

you cant add contacts throught textfree add them to your contacts list on the i pod then go to textfree click the thing that has paper and a penicl then type in the persons name and lik on them and you an text them :)

What is a SIP account on text free?

An account you need to make calls

Does an iPod touch have texting?

You can download an app from the iTunes store that enables you to text. I personally recommend TextFree.

How do you text other people with an iPod touch?

buy using an app called "textfree", you can send text and make calls as long as your connected to wifi.