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Absolutely not. There's literally 0.0% chance that you will get it in your system, unless they'd just taken a hit and exhaled the smoke into your mouth and you, in turn, inhaled. But if you mean somebody smoked and then later on in the course of their day happened to kiss someone, then no, it's just not possible.

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βˆ™ 15y ago
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βˆ™ 13y ago

I seriously doubt it, though it may depend upon just how much saliva is transferred between you and your partner. Remember that THC is stored in the blood stream and fat cells, your salivary glands are connected to your bloodstream. Though you probably have to kiss for quite some time to leave any noticeable trace of THC in your bloodstream, and even then the amount maybe so miniscule that it won't even show up in a drug test. I've also heard that the body naturally produces a chemical very similar to THC. In all honesty I'd say kiss away and not worry about it.


No because it is not going into your lungs
No, unless the person actually blew marijuana smoke in your mouth while you were kissing.

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βˆ™ 13y ago

No, you cannot, because they ar4 intaking the THC already. you cannot get high unless you directly inhale marijuana or eat something edible that has marijuana in it. You can sit next to someone who is smoking marijuana and you still won't get high because their body has already absorbed the THC. the smoke they exhale is just that smoke of the green burning, not the noids that get them high.

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βˆ™ 15y ago

Yes it will, I asked my father ( he is a doctor ) and he said it was true.

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βˆ™ 15y ago

You probably will have to bear the consequences of smoking. Avoid kissing someone who smokes.

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Q: Can you test positive from kissing someone who smoked marijuana?
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If your pregnant and someone just finished smoking weed and kisses you can it affect the baby?

Simply put no. The THC in marijuana can only be absorbed into the body through inhalation or ingestion. Simply kissing a person who just smoked marijuana will not harm you or the unborn baby.

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Smoking marijuana an month ago, you can be test, and find positive. Marijuana stay in your system about 28 to 31 days

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If THC has shown up, they either smoked it or was around others who smoked it. Other drugs do not make the tests come back positive for marijuana.

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Can marijuana be smoked and eaten?

Yes It Can

I smoked only a little bit of marijuana 9 months ago will and i tested positive is that possible?

no your good 30 days is about avg time

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Marijuana is sometimes smoked with tobacco.

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if someone didnt smoke marijuana for two months and then smoked one joint a week ago, how long would it remain in urine and at what ng

How long does marijuana stay in your system if only smoked once?

Someone who smokes occasionally - or for the first time - will likely test positive for 1-3 days afterward, according to a review by the National Drug Court Institute (NDCI).

Will marijuana laced with coke make you test positive?

yes because you are inhaling the cocaine as well while the blunt is being smoked so you will test positive for both but the coke will only stay in your system for a short time and the marijuana stays much longer