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Yes, just like tobacco there is second hand smoke that is taken in by the non smoker and if tested they would show positive.

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8mo ago

It is unlikely to test positive for marijuana solely by being around it, unless you are in an extremely enclosed space with heavy marijuana smoke for a prolonged period. Secondhand exposure usually does not result in a positive drug test, as the levels of THC detected in the body are typically very low.

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Q: Can you test positive for marijuana by being around it?
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How can a person come up positive for marijuana and not be a marijuana smoker?

A person could test positive for marijuana by being around secondhand smoke, consuming products containing CBD or THC, or using other substances that may cross-react with the drug test. It's also possible for a person to unknowingly ingest marijuana through contaminated food or drink.

What could cause a positive marijuana urine?

A positive marijuana urine test result could be caused by recent marijuana use, exposure to secondhand smoke, or consumption of certain food or drink products containing THC. It is important to consider these factors when interpreting a positive test result.

Can you text positive for marijuana from being close to someone who is smoking it?

It is unlikely to test positive for marijuana from being close to someone who is smoking it, unless you are in an extremely confined and unventilated space with heavy exposure to secondhand smoke. However, being in close proximity to marijuana smoke may lead to temporary exposure but not enough to result in a positive drug test.

What will make you test positive for Marijuana?

Consuming products containing THC, the psychoactive compound in marijuana, will make you test positive for marijuana in drug tests. This includes smoking marijuana, consuming edibles or oils containing THC, or being exposed to secondhand smoke in a confined space.

Can you test positive for marijuana with a hair follicle by contact marijuana?

No, you cannot test positive for marijuana in a hair follicle test through mere contact with the drug. The drug would need to be metabolized and enter your bloodstream to be detected in a hair follicle test, which wouldn't occur through simple contact.

Related questions

Does anything mimic or test positive for marijuana in a five panel test?

Yes. Marijuana will test positive for marijuana in a five-panel test.

How can a person come up positive for marijuana and not be a marijuana smoker?

A person could test positive for marijuana by being around secondhand smoke, consuming products containing CBD or THC, or using other substances that may cross-react with the drug test. It's also possible for a person to unknowingly ingest marijuana through contaminated food or drink.

Will you fail a urine test being around second marijuana?

Not unless you were around first marijuana too.

Test positive for eating marijuana in a brownie?

You could test positive for eaten marijuana in a brownie. The marijuana will be in your system in 4 to 6 hours. It depends on when you have your blood test.

What will make a test positive for meth and marijuana?

Meth and marijuana

What could cause a positive marijuana urine?

A positive marijuana urine test result could be caused by recent marijuana use, exposure to secondhand smoke, or consumption of certain food or drink products containing THC. It is important to consider these factors when interpreting a positive test result.

Can you text positive for marijuana from being close to someone who is smoking it?

It is unlikely to test positive for marijuana from being close to someone who is smoking it, unless you are in an extremely confined and unventilated space with heavy exposure to secondhand smoke. However, being in close proximity to marijuana smoke may lead to temporary exposure but not enough to result in a positive drug test.

If i smoked very little marijuana one month ago will i test positive in a blood test?

Smoking marijuana an month ago, you can be test, and find positive. Marijuana stay in your system about 28 to 31 days

Do marijuana seeds test positive for THC?


Coud you test positive by touching marijuana?


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Will marijuana laced with coke make you test positive?

yes because you are inhaling the cocaine as well while the blunt is being smoked so you will test positive for both but the coke will only stay in your system for a short time and the marijuana stays much longer