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this can happen from being around people who smoke it, and inhaling the second hand smoke.

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Q: How can a person come up positive for marijuana and not be a marijuana smoker?
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Can you test positive for marijuana if someone blew it at you?

If you are not an avid pot smoker and they wern't blowing massive amounts in your face for countless hours the answer would mainly be NO. THC metabolizes fairly quickly and can only be detected for a few days if you are a once in a great while smoker, as compared to weeks for a habitual smoker. Urine tests would not detect enough traces of THC to come up positive if you are not a smoker and were simply in the vicinity of the smoker. HOWEVER, skin or hair tests MIGHT come up positive if the people smoking around you were doing so in very LARGE quantities for a long period of time.

What would cause a UA to come up positive for marijuana if your not under the influence?


Can you come out positvie for marijuana threw semon?

No, you can't test positive for THC through semen.

I had a urine test come out positive for thc90 what would cause that if you dont smoke Marijuana?


How much marijuana does the average smoker uses?

That's a hard number to come up with exactly for many reasons. Of all the different degrees of smoking weed. from once a year to month to weekly to daily..... to the once before bed smoker, the smoke all day smoker, to the heavy heavy smoker (smokin upwards of 20 joints a day) Where does the average smoker fall into. Id say an everday smoker, probably if high grade weed 1-2 grams a day with varing increases on the weekend

Can you beat a home administered drug test for marijuana?

Only if you hadn't used in days. It will take 30 days if not, you will come out positive.

Will four cups of cranberry juice cleanse marijuana?

No. marijuana can take months to leave your system. a drug test weeks after smoking it can still come up positive. The cranberry juice is a myth.

You smoked pot for 20yrs and stopped 4 weeks ago will you come up positive?

Yes, marijuana stays in a persons system for a long time.

Where do crystals come from?


Does marijuana come out you when you have an sex organism?


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How would marijuana show up in someones system if they havent smoked in 40 days will other meds taken interfer?

If THC has shown up, they either smoked it or was around others who smoked it. Other drugs do not make the tests come back positive for marijuana.