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Q: Can you terminate a pregnancy at 3 months?
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Related questions

Is there a pill that stops pregnancy before 3 months?

No, The only way to terminate a pregnancy during the first three months is an abortion with a doctor.

Can flagystatin terminate pregnancy?

No, antibiotics can not terminate a pregnancy.

How many fizinorm tablets have to use in oreder to aboid the 2 months pregnancy?

Fizinorm can only be used to prevent pregnancy, not to terminate it.

In Alabama how far along can you be to terminate a pregnancy?

It depends what position you were using when having sex. Doggie style = termination completely illegal. Missionary = 8 months into the pregnancy. Reverse cowgirl = 5 months into the pregnancy.

How many months does women can still terminate pregnancy?

Legally speaking, it depends entirely on where you live, which you haven't specified.

Can stametaa terminate pregnancy?


What is Trimester?

a trimester is 3 months of your pregnancy. there are 3 trimesters in a pregnancy. 1-3 months, 4-6 months, and 7-9 months.

Can drinkink lime juice terminate 6 weeks pregnancy?

No, vitamin C can not terminate a pregnancy. You need to see a doctor for a abortion.

Can Depo-Provera terminate pregnancy?

No, but it shouldn't be used during pregnancy....

Can aspirin terminate a 3 week pregnancy?

Safe...yes, but totally ineffective.

Can EP forte terminate a pregnancy of 3 to 5 weeks?

No EP forte is a contraceptive.

How many months have to pass by until the doctor tells you your pregnant?

After 8 to 10 days of your missed period. You have enough time to decide about to terminate or continue the pregnancy. It does not take months after missed period.