

Best Answer

Its a category C drug for pregnancy, which means that it may be potentially harmful to your baby. There are no significant studies that have shown it to be safe or unsafe. It may be linked to birth defects and malformations, especiallly when taken in the first trimester. Its one of those things that if you dont absolutely ned it, dont tkae it. But if you are so freaked out and an emtional mess, your docotor may determine that it ay be healthier for YOU to continue taking it.... talk to your doctor, ans even a second or third one. This is your babies life you gambling with!

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Q: Can you take trazodone while pregnant?
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Yes, if both are prescribed for you, there is no problem in taking those 2 drugs together. To get the "sleeping" effect of trazodone, without interfering with prozac antidepressant effect, the trazodone dosage should be around 25mg to 100mg.

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Since trazodone causes drowsiness, it is often used as a sleep aid making the best time to take trazodone before bed. Trazodone is best absorbed when taken with food.

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This is fine to take. The steroid will not interact with trazodone. Remember that Medrol is harsh on the stomach. Have some food before you take each dose!

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I can't get pregnant, so obviously not.

It is safe to take provera while im pregnant?

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Can you take tamiful while pregnant?

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Can I take this while pregnant?

If you are pregnant you need to consult with your doctor before use.