You can but it's best to take it in the morning when you first wake up.
You can use a pregnancy test at anytime while on the pill (it will not effect the test), if you normally have bleeding while taking the sugar pills, wait to see if the bleeding is late or the day before you start your new packet to test for pregnancy.
Most women, like myself, take a pregnancy test on the day of their missed period.
A woman should take a pregnancy test on the first day that she has missed her period, it is best to take the test in the morning for the best results.
If you take a urine pregnancy test the very next day you and your partner had unprotected sex, the reading will not at all be accurate, as it would have been better to wait for 14 days to take a urine pregnancy test to get a accurate reading.
you can take a test as soon as you are a day late on your period as this will then show hormones in your body.
You can usually get results the next day
IT may,it depends on when your period it expected. It is more accurate to take the pregnancy test at the most,Five days before your missed period. It will be most accurate to take the pregnancy test the day before your missed period.
Three weeks after you take the morning after pill and/or on the first day of your period
No. Take a pregnancy test.
Take a pregnancy test
You can take a pregnancy test any time you like.