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You can, but you are not going to get a correct answer if you want to know if that one act of intercourse 5 days ago got you pregnant! I suggest waiting to see if your period is late, and testing then if needed. ~pawsalmighty

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Q: Can you take a pregnancy test 5 days after intercourse?
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19 days after intercourse may result in a accurate pregnancy test.

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Can you use pregnancy test kit after 7 days of intercourse?

It is best if you wait until 14 days after intercourse.

Can it take 3 months to tell if your pregnant?

No; generally fourteen days after intercourse, you can get an accurate pregnancy test result.

If you were supposed to ovulate on February 26 and had intercourse how soon could you take a pregnancy test?

Usually 8 days after intercourse is the soonest that you can accurately tell if you are pregnant or not.

When can you take a pregnancy test while on the pill?

You can take a pregnancy test 2-3 weeks after you had unprotected intercourse and it will be accurate.

How soon can you take a home pregnancy test after a period is missed?

You should wait fourteen days after intercourse or the day of your expected period.

Is taking the pregnancy test a day after the intercourse accurate?

If you take a urine pregnancy test the very next day you and your partner had unprotected sex, the reading will not at all be accurate, as it would have been better to wait for 14 days to take a urine pregnancy test to get a accurate reading.

How long should you wait to take a pregnancy test if your cycle is usually 22-29 days and it has been over 30 days?

Read the directions on the pregnancy test kit. 10-12 days after unprotected intercourse would probably be soon enough.

How many hours does it take to confirm pregnancy?

You can take a pregnancy test 3 weeks after sex

What is the earliest you can find out you are

You can get a positive pregnancy test as early as 9 days after intercourse but your most accurate results will be at least 14 days after intercourse.

Can you pregnancy test after 3 weeks of intercourse?

Its highly unlikely considering it takes about 24hrs for the fertilization to happen, two days after that your body may or may not be registering the changes... the earliest you would want to text after intercourse is 10 days for a blood test and 14 days for an in home pregnancy test.