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I dont think that would be a good time to take a pregnancy test since 13 days before your period is probably around the time that you are ovulationg and it can take up to a week for the egg to implant in the uterus if implantation occured. Wait till the day you are supppossed to have your period, I know you are anticipating, but the best results are about 5 days past the day you were suppossed to get your period.

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Q: Can you take a pregnancy test 13days before your period?
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Taking a pregnancy test seven days before a missed period won't be accurate.

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Yes it is, you should take the test at the earliest which is 5 days before a missed period. 5 days before a missed period? how is she going to know her period is not going to come ahead of time? I would wait until the period doesnot come to take the test or only take it before the period if you believe you are having an unwanted pregnancy.

Can you take your pregnancy test 5 days before your period?

Certain pregnancy tests will show 5 days before your missed period, however I would wait until your period is officially late to take one just in case.

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Yes. Take a pregnancy test

What happens If you take a pregnancy test before your period?

it will just tell you if you are pregnant or not

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Sore breasts before period is normal. If you miss your period, take a test

If I'm 3 or 4 weeks pregnant can you take a pregnancy test now?

Yes, you can take a pregnancy test when you miss your period, or some tests claim five days before your period.

Can you take a pregnancy test 5 weeks before your period if you think your pregnant?

Yes you can.

If a boy nuts in you five days before your period are you pregnant?

You could be. If you miss your period you should take a pregnancy test.