Yes, you can. You can even swim while you are in that time if you use tampons. Exercise is good for you, and water will not hurt you.
He takes 4 days to complete
You ovulate 14 days before your period starts. Therefore you ovulate on approximately Day 15 (remembering that Day 1 is the first day of your period).
No it is fine day 1 of your period or the Sunday following day one. Either is correct.
Day 1 is the day a woman starts bleeding. Ovulation normally occurs on day 14 given that a period is regular. Day 1 is the day a woman starts bleeding. Ovulation normally occurs on day 14 given that a period is regular.
If your period is one day late and the next day you have light spotting, it could be the beginning of your period. It is quite normal for the first couple of days of your period to be light.
That is how we define a day. On Earth the period of rotation is around 24 hours = 1 Earth Day. On Jupiter, something over 9 hours = 1 Jovian Day.
You've actually already answered your question. If you have a 25 day cycle then your period will start on day 1 and occur every 25 days!
It's possible to have bleeding a day after ovulation, but unlikely to have a "real" period a day after releasing an egg.
Once your period has started you can't stop your period, not for just one day, and there is no reason why you should given as there's nothing thatyou can't do during your period. You can delay your period for a day before it starts by taking progesterone medicine such as Norethisterone.
Yes. The day you start bleeding is day 1 of your cycle.