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Q: Can you sue mistress in Virginia?
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Can a wife sue husband's mistress in state of Virginia?

yea probaly u can sue anyone these days..... kidding but seriosly maybe u can

Can a mistress sue the husband in lying that the husband is already separated with his wife?

In the US, anyone can sue anyone for anything. The question is not whether you can sue, but whether you can win. Lying about marital status is not an actionable claim, and the mistress would not win.

Can you sue your husband when you found out he has a child in her mistress?

no you cant sorry

Can you sue your husbands mistress in the state of Colorado?

No, our state does not allow it.

Can you sue for Alienation of affection West Virginia?

No. Virginia Code 8.01-220: "Notwithstanding any other provision of law to the contrary, no civil action shall lie or be maintained in this Commonwealth for alienation of affection, breach of promise to marry, or criminal conversation upon which a cause of action arose or occurred on or after June 28, 1968."

If you were injured at work can you still sue them in Virginia?

depends on what state you live in in Virginia

Can a mistress sue her boyfriend for not leaving his wife as promised?

No she can't. A mistress is a mistress: there for pretty much sex and nothing more. Marriage however is not only an intimate relationship but a legal contract between the husband and wife. The mistress is just a random third party. It would NEVER hold up in court because the mistress is helping the man cheat.

Can you sue your husbands mistress in AZ?

Your husband's mistress does not have a contract with you. Rather, she is a citizen who was no doubt told by your husband that he was leaving you. If anyone had a suit, she might have one against him. For that matter, you have one against him, also. A divorce is a civil suit.

Can I sue my husband's mistress in Pennsylvania?

The "mistress" need only claim that he said he was leaving you - which he probably did say - and she is free and clear of any wrong doing. No citizen of the United States is required to verify a person's marital status before dating them. You do have a contract with your husband, a marriage contract. You may sue him for divorce, and even sue him in general. Alienation of Affection was abolished by statute in Pennsylvania. See related link for a state list.

When was Cora Sue Collins born?

Cora Sue Collins was born on April 19, 1927, in Beckley, West Virginia, USA.

Can you take my husband mistress to court for stress and send pictuRE of my husband and her together?

If you have proof of adultery, you can sue your husband for divorce. In the US, the days of suing a mistress for "alienation of affection" are gone. You cannot obtain a money judgment for emotional damages caused by your husband's infidelity. No judge will order the mistress to pay you.

What has the author Patti Sue McCrary written?

Patti Sue McCrary has written: 'Cumberland County, Virginia Tithable Lists for 1759' 'Wilson Families in Colonial Virginia and related Mason, Seawell, Goodrich, Boush Families'