If you're on the birth control pill and had a negative pregnancy test, it is not likely you are pregnant.
You can get pregnant after you stop the pill.
If you stop your pill, yes you can become pregnant. "Missing" period doesn't affect fertility. If you continuously take your pill everyday, you won't become pregnant (99,7% efficiency) even if you never make pauses.
No. You get a period with/without the pill. All the pill does is protect you from getting pregnant.
No. And the "faded" pregnant comment suggests that you are looking at the test long after the time it's supposed to be read. The birth control pill can cause a missed period. If this side effect is troublesome to you, contact your health care provider for a change in prescription.
no, take it before and you won't have your period the first three rows of pills have hormones in them that will regulate your period..the last row is actually only sugar pills and you are supposed to have your period on those pills. However, you can get pregnant on the pill if not taken exactly how you are supposed to.
They do not. Taking the pill decreases the chance of getting pregnant, but it is still possible to become pregnant on the pill.
Yes. The pill is not always affective.
There is always a chance of getting pregnant when having sex even on the pill.
Actually even with being on the pill you an still get pregnant. Some ladies have a higher chance by being on the pill. I was on the pill and got pregnant.
It's possible, But also you're period could be late.