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when ever you have bleeding like that and have clotting (the uterine lining) that is a sign you are not pregnant, or a sign you pregnancy is not going well go see a doctor

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Q: Can you still be pregnant if you started your period the month before 10 days late and got your period then this month you were 6 days late and got your period and shed the uterine lining?
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Related questions

What stops menstruation during pregnancy?

Menstruating is the uterus basically not being pregnant and therefor getting rid if the uterine lining. When pregnant there is a fertilized egg and the uterus will protect it with the uterine lining.

Why does your menstruation stop when a woman is pregnant?

Menstruation is what happens when a woman doesn't get pregnant - after ovulation the uterine lining builds-up in preparation for possible pregnancy, if a woman doesn't get pregnant then menstruation occurs to shed the uterine lining so it can start fresh next cycle. During pregnancy the uterine lining is busy keeping the growing embryo/fetus safe, and women no longer ovulate.

When a woman isn't pregnant is there any liquid in her uterus?

You do not have any type of liquid in non pregnant uterus. The uterine lining is wet as expected.

Can a woman still have her period after she falls pregnant?

No. Periods stop when you are pregnant because you are not getting rid of an unused uterine lining--you are using it for nine months. Once a month, the uterine lining is prepared to receive sperm. If it doesn't, meaning that you ovulate but do not conceive, your body sloughs it off, and that's your period.

If you stuck it into your girlfriend five days before her next period and she started on time when she was supposed to and lasted four days filling two to three pads a day is she pregnant?

Most likely she is not pregnant, since a menstrual cycle comes when an ovum(fertilized egg) reaches the uterus. The body recognizes the unfertilized egg and expells the uterine lining, called a 'period', and takes the egg with it. However, if a fertilized egg reaches the uterus it implants into the wall, and the menstrual cycle does not happen, due to the fact that the uterine lining is needed to accomodate the embryo. so, no, it is unlikely she is pregnant.

Have Women Gotten Their Period While Being Pregnant?

Some women have light bleeding during their pregnancy but it is not a period, a menstrual period is the shedding of the uterine lining - if the uterine lining sheds during pregnancy the embryo or fetus would be miscarried.

Can you shed your uterine lining and have a normal heavy period if your pregnant?

No if you are pregnant the uterus is closed so the lining is still in there. Some spotting can still be during the pregnancie though but not heavy bleeding. If you are worried go to your doctor.

Do you have to have a recent period to get pregnant?

No a menstrual cycle only happens AFTER you didnt become pregnant. If no egg was fertilized or implanted into the uterine lining, then u have a period. The uterus expels the lining and begins preparing for ovulation again. Which includes building up the uterine lining again, and hormones cause an egg to be released. If the egg is fertilized it will implant and u will not have a period, likewise if it isn't fertilized then it will pass out and be followed a week or so later with your cycle beginning again.

Why do women stop having periods during pregnancy?

Your period is the breakdown of the uterine lining. Once a pregnancy is established by the embryo implanting in the uterine lining, the hormone hCG and progesterone kick in to prevent the breakdown. While pregnant the lining does not break down because it is being used to support the placenta and fetus.

Can you get pregnant after the dnc and have not had a period for 3 years?

You need to find out why you have not had a period in three years - during a D & C, the doctor gently scrapes the lining off of the uterine wall. No period indicates the lining has not been replaced, a process that should happen during your monthly cycle. After ovulation, when an egg is released - without conception, the uterine lining is shed this is the monthly bleeding called a period. A new lining is started every month - waiting for possible implantation of a fertilized egg.

Can you have a period while you pregnant?

AnswerNo, the whole purpose of your period is to rid your body of the soft lining of your uterus when your body is preparing to have a baby. So if you are already pregnant, your body doesn't have to get rid of the uterine lining.

How does the menstrual cycle and its role in reproduction?

The menstrual cycle is the reproductive cycle.Every cycle a female will ovulate and the uterine lining would plump up in preparation for possible pregnancy. If a woman doesn't get pregnant then the uterine lining sheds (menstruation) in preparation to start a fresh the next cycle.