you should try it and find out it geives you a nice little head buzz for an hour or so
Yes, it's perfectly safe to smoke sage. It won't give you very much effects though. Maybe a high for 2-3 minutes. (depending on how much you smoke.) It own't give you very many effects more of when you eat it.
Assuming you mean the culinary spice, it will give you a mild mellow buzz for 20-30 minutes followed by a headache if you smoke more than a bowl or two.
No. Salvia is a genus of plant in the mint family. Otherwise known as sage. The sage found in spice racks and grocery stores does not contain any salvinorin A (the psychotropic molecule) that is found in Salvia Divinorum and will not get you high.
no matter what kind of smoke it is, smoke is smoke. cigarettes are alot worse for you because you are not just smoking tobacco, but binding glue, tar, paper, and few other choice ingredients. burning sage in pretty unharmfull, but too much of any thing is bad for you...
No but it may cause unhealth
No, Sage Hill High School does not have a uniform policy. Students are encouraged to dress in a manner that is appropriate for an educational environment.
Not sure about it getting you high, but it does have a calming effect. Smoking some now.
Off Of Sage Park Road
The smoke of blessed sage is supposed to drive evil spirits from the home. The blessing can be from any shaman or ceremonial event. Save a little twig in case the neighbors complain. Burning sage smells a lot like marijuana to some people.
Smoke spice. it gets you high but its not weed.
Paper won't get you high. So to answer your question you smoke zero paper.
It is unlikely to get a contact high from sitting in a room with weed smoke unless the room is poorly ventilated and you are exposed for an extended period of time with a high concentration of smoke.