It depends were you want to do this. If you are talking in the corners of the bathroom, round the tub, or where the counter and back splash meet, then yes. But, if you would like to do this in all the grout lines, no.
The obvious answer is sanded grout has sand. But the in depth answer has many differences. Sanded grout which is the most common, can be used in a grout joint from 1/8" to 1/2" (and larger but check the grout). Sanded grout scratches many tile like glass. Non sanded grout can only be used on joints 1/8" or less. Non sanded grout is typically seen on marble and granite tile, many wall tile, and all glass tile.
Grout is not toxic. Grout sealers and adhesives can be toxic but not the grout itself. Tami Barker Mosaic Art Instructor and Creator
Yes, you can change the color of the grout. There are products that you can use to try to die the grout or you can just have your tile re-grouted.
hardwood or vinyl . tile on a raised foundation will always crack in the grout lines
Yes. But you would want to make sure it's immaculately clean first. Possibly etch with a slightly acidic grout cleaner. Follow instructions on grout sealer container.
Brown stains on tile grout that is above silicone, is probably a stain from something that was spilled. The stain will not be from the grout because it is located above the silicone.
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No, the grout allows for tile expansion and contractions, without it your tile could crack but there are some tile that can be installed with minimal (1/16inch) grout lines.
Use grout as silicone will start harboring algae and be almost impossible to keep looking good.
form_title= Tile Grout form_header= Give your home a face lift with new tile grout! Do you want to install new grout?*= () Yes () No () Not Sure Do you want to clean out old grout?*= () Yes () No () Not Sure What color do you want the grout?*= _ [50] How old is the grout in your home? *= _ [50]
Ceramic Tile Grout Cleaning Marble Cleaning Services Tile And Grout Cleaners Kitchen Tile Cleaning Porcelain Tiles Cleaning Pool Tile Cleaning Professional Grout Cleaners
With grout
Tile Grout Cleaning Services Cleaning Marble Tiles Kitchen Tile Cleaners Restore Tile and Grout Ceramic Steam Cleaning Clean Bathroom Grout
It depends on the type of tile you have. If the tile is unglazed and porous (as mostly all travertine is) then you will need to seal the tile before you grout it so that the grout does not soak into the tile and cause it to become dull. Follow the manufacturers recommendation for the tile that you have.