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Q: Can you shoot a Remington 222 in a Remington 223 rifle?
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Can you shoot a Remington 223 in a Remington 222 rifle?

NO very bad idea the bolt should not even close to do it but if it dose i wouldn't do it

What is the difference between 222 and 223 calibre rifle cartridges?

The .222 Remington was the parent case for the 5.56x45/.223 Remington cartridge, and it was also the parent case of the .222 Remington Magnum (which was rejected by the military prior to the adoption of the 5.56x45). The .223 has a longer casing, which holds more powder, as well as differences in neck and shoulder measurements. The two cartridges are NOT interchangeable.

Are 223 and 5.56 interchangeable?

A rifle with a 5.56x45 chamber can utilise .223 Remington cartridges. A rifle with a dedicated .223 Remington chamber cannot accommodate 5.56x45 cartridges. A rifle with a .223 Wylde chamber can accommodate .223 Wylde, .223 Remington, and 5.56x45, but neither a rifle with a 5.56x45 or a .223 Remington chamber can accommodate the .223 Wylde cartridge.

Can you use 556 in a 223 rifle?

.223 Remington can be cycled in a 5.56x45 rifle; 5.56x45 should not be cycled in a .223 Remington firearm.

What is the lowest caliber rifle over the 22?

In terms of power, or diameter? A .22 has a bullet diameter of .223 inches, the same as the .223 Remington and 5.56 military cartridge. The .222 Remington actually has a bullet diameter of .224 inches.

Are 22 rifles good for hunting coyotes?

Not the rimfires (.22 Short, .22 Long, .22 Long Rifle, .22 Magnum), but centrefire cartridges in the same calibre range (.22-250, .222 Remington, .223 Remington Magnum, .223 Remington, etc.) can be sufficient for coyote.

What is a 22 caliber rifle?

A rifle with a bore which measures in the vicinity of .22 inches. Typically, "22" is used in reference to the rimfire cartridges, while centerfire cartridges will be described by their full designation (e.g., .223 Remington, .222 Remington, .204 Ruger, etc.).

Can Remington 6.5 primers be used in a 223 rifle?

If you are asking about the Remington 6.5 rem.mag round,then this cartridge takes large rifle/or large rifle magnum primers.The .223 Remington cartridge takes the small rifle primer.Both of these center fire primers differ in size and cannot be interchanged.The .223 Rem cartridge requires small rifle primers.

Can you use 223 ammunition in a model SB712 rifle?

Only if it is marked ".223 Remington" on the barrel.

Can you use 222 and 223 in same rifle?

No. Two different cartridges, they do not interchange.

What is a 22 caliber?

A rifle with a bore which measures in the vicinity of .22 inches. Typically, "22" is used in reference to the rimfire cartridges, while centerfire cartridges will be described by their full designation (e.g., .223 Remington, .222 Remington, .204 Ruger, etc.).

What caliber is the M4A1 rifle?

5.56x45mm. It is dimensionally similar - but not identical - to the .223 Remington.