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A rifle with a 5.56x45 chamber can utilise .223 Remington cartridges. A rifle with a dedicated .223 Remington chamber cannot accommodate 5.56x45 cartridges. A rifle with a .223 Wylde chamber can accommodate .223 Wylde, .223 Remington, and 5.56x45, but neither a rifle with a 5.56x45 or a .223 Remington chamber can accommodate the .223 Wylde cartridge.

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Q: Are 223 and 5.56 interchangeable
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What is 556 minus 223?

556 - 223 = 333

Can you use 556 in a 223 rifle?

.223 Remington can be cycled in a 5.56x45 rifle; 5.56x45 should not be cycled in a .223 Remington firearm.

Does the colt m4 shoot both 556 and 223 ammunition?

Yes it does, unless your barrel is stamped .223 .

Is it safe to shoot 556 from a colt SP1?

if it is a 223 cal, then yes

Is there a difference between 223 caliber and 556 mm?

Yes there is a difference. They are physically the same size casing, but the 556 military rounds' chamber pressure is ~10,000 psi higher then 223. Military rifles generally have chambers with a different throat configuration than normal sport 223 rifles. This being said, I would not recommend shooting 556 unless your rifle was designed for the higher pressures.

Are 223 and 556 the same?

Dimensionally similar, but they are not exactly the same. A firearm with a 5.56x45 chamber can accommodate the .223 Remington cartridge, but a firearm with a .223 Remington chamber cannot accommodate the 5.56x45 cartridge.

Is 223 and 556 ammunition the same?

No. They have matching dimensions, but differ in other areas, such as neck angles. .223 ammunition can be safely fired in a 5.56x45mm chamber; 5.56x45 ammunition is not recommended to be used in a .223 Remington chamber.

Can a 222 round be fired from a 223 AR-15?

No. The two rounds are not interchangeable.

Why does the military use 223 or 556 ammo?

lighter bullet and more ammo can be carried as opposed to the 30/06 or 308

Is it ok to shoot 556 in a savage model 25 vt 223?

I assume that you are referring to 5.56mm in your question?,if so yes you can shoot this ammo in your rifle.The 5.56mm is the metric designation for the .223 Remington cartridge.

Does mini 14 mags work with both 223 and 556 ammo?

Yes the mags work with both ammos. You can not tell the difference in the two by looking at them.

Is 223 Remington the same as 556mm?

yes, except 556 is written as 5.56 caliber (223) Actually, no, it isn't. Although the dimensions match, the military 5.56 cartridge differs from the civilian .223 in several aspects, such as the neck angle, casing thickness, and chamber pressure. A general rule of thumb is that .223 Remington can be fired in a 5.56 chamber, but 5.56 ammo should not be fired in a dedicated .223 chamber.