No. But there are revolvers made to shoot .410 shells that also fire .45 Colt cartridges,
You can shoot 45 Long Colt or .410 shot shells with this weapon. 45 ACP rounds will not work properly.
Nope. The .450 is a belted cartridge.
None. Some handguns have been made that will fire .45 Long Colt revolver rounds and .410 shotgun shells, but that does not mean that you can take any .410 shotgun and stick .45 handgun ammo in there.
the judge fires 45 colt which is the same as 45 long colt not to be confused with 45 acp it also fires 410 shot shells
the 1917 colt revolver fired a rim 45 cal cartridge. however, half moon clips were used to insert 45 cal. auto shells and then place the inserts into the cylinder. In this manner both the 45 cal. rim cartridge and the 45 cal. semi-auto rimless cartridge can be fired from the 1917 revolver.
None. While there are firearms made to shoot .45 Colt AND .410 shotshells, they are designed and made to do that. A regular .410 shotgun is NOT made to do that safely.
45 cal. Long Colt (.45LC) rounds like those used in a 45 cal. revolver. Many of this type of Derringer also can fire .410 gauge shotgun shells. Do a search for your specific model and get the manufacturers recommendations for ammunition.
Thompson Center Contender
Actually, the cartridges are .45 ACP (automatic Colt Pistol) and .45 Colt (the cowboy era revolver cartridge. There is not really a Colt 45 Long. Can a revolver shoot both? Some can- they are chambered for the Colt .45 -but to shoot .45 ACP they need a "half moon clip"- a strip of metal that holds 3 of the shorter .45 ACP cartridges. 2 of those fill a 6 shot revolver. The PISTOL (not revolver) that shoots the .45 ACP cannot shoot the .45 Colt- no groove for the extractor to pull a fired cartridge out of the chamber, and it is too long.