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Q: Can you shoot 22 LR in a 22 WMR rifle?
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Can you shoot 22 wmr in a 22 lr rifle?

No. The case of a 22 WMR is longer than that of a 22 lr, so the cartridge won't fit in a rifle that is chambered for 22 lr.

Can you use 22 cal LR in a 22 cal WMR rifle?


Can a JC Higgins model 88 revolver shoot the 22 WMR if its says 22 cal?

I don't think those revolvers were manufactured in .22 magnum. It will be marked, usually on the barrel, likely 22 lr or 22 s/l/lr for short, long, and long rifle.

Can you shoot long rifle bullets out of a 9422 xtr 22 magnum?

No. .22 LR and .22 WMR (magnums) are not interchangeable. The .22 Mag is ot only longer, but larger diameter bore and cartridge case. If the LR round fires, it is likely to split the case, and accuracy will suck.

Can you shoot 22lr in a high standard revolver?

IF the revolver is marked ".22 LR" yes. If it is marked ".22 WMR" or .22 Mag" or " .22 WRF", then NO.

What bullets does a 22 revolver take?

A .22 revolver takes CARTRIDGES. Which .22 cartridge will depend on what caliber the revolver was made for. A .22 LR can shoot Long Rifle or Short cartridges, and a .22 WMR uses .22 magnum cartridges. They do not interchange. There are a few .22 revolvers that have 2 cylinders, and can shoot either cartridge.

Will a Marlin Model 39 fire 22 WMR?

Only if that is what is marked on the barrel. 22 LR and 22 WMR are not interchangeable.

Is 22 WRF same as 22 long rifle?

No. The WRF (Winchester Rim Fire) is a larger diameter cartridge. It is the same diameter are the 22 WMR (Winchester Magnum Rimfire) but is shorter than the magnum, It may be safety fired in a .22 magnum rifle, but not in a 22 LR. 22 LR ammo should NOT be fired in a rifle chambered for 22 WRF.

Can you shoot 22 mag in a hi standard r 101?

No. The R-101 was made in caliber .22 LR, which is a very different round from the .22 WMR. Later models of the High Standard Sentinel WERE made in .22 Mag, but if YOUR sidearm is not marked .22 Magnum or .22 WMR, do NOT try to fire them in it.

Can you shoot 22 mag in a hi standard r-101?

No. The R-101 was made in caliber .22 LR, which is a very different round from the .22 WMR. Later models of the High Standard Sentinel WERE made in .22 Mag, but if YOUR sidearm is not marked .22 Magnum or .22 WMR, do NOT try to fire them in it.

Can you shoot a 22 short in a Remington model five?

Yes- IF the rifle is chambered in caliber .22 LR (they were also made in 22 WMR and 17 HMR). They will not feed properly from the magazine, and would need to be operated as a single shot. Be sure to clean the chamber properly after shooting shorts- they can build up a ring of carbon fouling that will make chambering .22 LR difficult.

Can you put a LR magnem cartridge in a 22?

Let's get the names straight- there are .22 Long Rifle (LR) cartridges, and there are .22 Magnum (.22 WMR) They DO NOT interchange (although there are a few revolvers with 2 cylinders that can CONVERT from one to the other). The.22 Magnum is not only more powerful, and longer, but it is larger in diameter than the .22 LR. SOME .22 LR firearms can safely short .22 Shorts, but LR and Magnum do not swap.