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I don't think so but if they are unopened maybe. Call the store where you bought it.

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Q: Can you return pregnancy tests
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How do blood pregnancy tests work?

It tests the hCG (pregnancy hormone) levels that are in your blood.

What stores sell pregnancy tests?

99 cent store sell pregnancy tests

Can you still have positive pregnancy tests with phantom pregnancies?

yes because to have the phantom pregnancy your body secretes pregnancy hormones which is what pregnancy tests look for

What are good pregnancy tests?

Answer digital pregnancy test

Are pregnancy tests the same as drug tests?

Pregnancy tests detect certain chemicals in a woman's urine which are otherwise not present if not pregnant. Otherwise NO.

Which hormone is tested in the majority of pregnancy tests?

hCG, or human chorionic gonadotropin, is the hormone measured by pregnancy tests.

How many pregnancy tests are in a box?

This depends on the brand and amount of money you wish to spend. Pregnancy tests that I have seen come in one or two. Read the box to see how many pregnancy tests are inside.

Why do digital pregnancy tests say negative but pregnancy tests with strips say positive?

Go to the doctor to get a real test.

When can you go for home pregnancy test to detect pregnancy?

Usually if you miss your expected period, but now there are tests that can detect a pregnancy tests a little before your period is suppose to be.

What are the name of all pregnancy test before and during pregnancy?

Pre-natal: before conception Ante-natal: During pregnancy Post-Natal: after the pregnancy there are so many tests that are done, some compulsory and some optional, some are blood tests some are urine tests and some are just measurement tests.

Is there a chance of pregnancy if there was no penetration and negative pregnancy tests?

no, especially if there was no penetration

Are pregnancy tests edible?

No. They are to be urinated on to determine pregnancy. They are in no way edible.