The Nitro
piston is superior to the spring piston in design, but Yes,
it can be converted back to a spring in most cases. It is best to have it done by an "air gun smith."
It's about the same. Nitro will just perform a little better. No spring to wear out. The Nitro piston guns have a sealed strut in place of a spring, there's no maintenance required.
When you cock the rifle it compresses the gas behind a piston just like a spring. Basically it replaces the spring.
The nitro piston replaces the spring piston. It's simply gas that is compressed inside a cylinder instead of a spring. You can compress gas. So each time you compress the nitro it acts like a compressed spring. you don't have to add more nitro each time you shoot it stays in the cylinder. Gas is more even as it expands so you get a steady thrust when the rifle is fired. A spring uncoils, giving an uneven thrust as it is released.
Nitro has a few advantages over Spring. You can leave it cocked for a long period of time and not worry that it will loose it 's power. You have a more even release force with nitro ( A spring wobbles). There is not a spring to break or get soft over time. The power will always be consistent.
Yes there are some newer spring air rifles that are capable of being switched to Nitro Piston Gas systems. Check with the manufacture.
The piston or spring on the thermostat could be stuck.
I'm not quite sure what you are referring to by ox spring. "BUT!" Two things that can be done. 1. Send it to a professional Air Gun tuner. They can polish the tube and trim the spring and even replace or trim the trigger. See the link below for air gun shops. Or do a search for "air gun repair" on the web and locate someone near you to work on it. 2. Replace the spring with a "Nitro piston" if one is available. I would check with Pyramydair on the web.
Yes it is an excellent design.
Because of the small design of a BB gun it is not possible to change the air system. However if it's a pellet springer rifle, not a BB rifle, then in some cases it is possible to change it with a Nitro piston system. But this should be done by a professional air gun service. A nitro system replaces the spring piston with a gas piston tube. It usually cost around $130.
Actually air guns have very little kick. Nitro is about the same as spring. Nitro has the advantage over spring in that it has no "spring wobble" when fired and it can be left "cocked" for a long period of time without damage to the system.Actually air guns have very little kick. Nitro is about the same as spring. Nitro has the advantage over spring in that it has no "spring wobble" when fired and it can be left "cocked" for a long period of time without damage to the system.
This question sounds more like a statement than a question. To try to answer you, you have to understand that Nitro is a fairly new product, it's going to take time to find out which will last longer. It's too soon to tell.
Not sure what you are talking about. If you are referring to a part in the engine then the piston does not have a return spring. If you are referring to the piston, not quit the right term, in the brake area then in the wheels the there is a spring and in the actuator there is a spring. No other item I have ever heard of as a piston return spring. Can you elaborate?