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yes, i have had mine pierced 3 times. no matter who you are or how well u clean it, it will always some what get infected tho.

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Q: Can you reopen a naval piercing?
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Where can you get a naval piercing in Bahrain?

You can get naval piercing done at American Mission Hospital in Bahrain.

Naval piercing on the left mean?

A navel piercing on the left, no meaning, it's just a piercing.

What does it mean if crust forms around your piercing?

Crust forming around your piercing is part of the healing process. Do not pick the crust off as it will reopen the wound.

Dose it hurt if you get monroe piercing redone?

Yes but it's better to reopen the close piercing with an insertion taper in the hands of an experienced professional body piercer.

Should a naval piercing be red after about 5 weeks?


At liquid vision do they numb your naval before piercing?

none of the piercing shops that ive heard of numb you for a naval piercing i got mine when i was 13 and it doesnt hurt it feels like a pinch and then its over you just have to breathe

How much does a naval piercing at selfridges cost?

Phone them and ask.

How long before you can change your naval piercing?

After 6weeks you can take it out.

Can you die from self piercing your naval?

yeah if you do it wrong and puncture your stomache

What is normal for a naval piercing?

Please ask a more specific question.

What do you need to get a naval piercing at the age of fifteen at Dr Jacks in Omaha Nebraska?

Parental consent, and the cost for however much the piercing is.

If you have your navel piercing is it safe to do a medicine ball work out where you will be catching and throwing it?

as long as it doesnt touch or get near or has you hitting the naval piercing. Of course.