Noone with a felony can own a gun unless they have gone through the court to have their civil rights restored.
Oregon labels a class D felony as an unclassified crime. Each unclassified crime in Oregon has its own fine and prison sentence.
A class D felony is the lowest level that felony crimes can be classified within the United States of America. The exception is in New York and Illinois, where the lowest is Class E and Class 4.
The farther down the alphabet, the lesser the charge. A "C" felony is more serious than a "D" felony.
In Delaware if the embezzlement is a Class A felony, there is not limit. Since this is a Class D, it is set at 5 years.
Unfortunately, this is a Class D Felony in 48 states, and a Class E felony in the other two. The BATFE regulates prop weapons, and require that the plug be permanently affixed to the barrel by the Manufacturer. Hope this helps.
A class D felony in Connecticut is punishable by imprisonment of between one and five years and a fine of up to $5,000.
$500 or more is a Class D Felony unless it is a firearm in which case no matter the value it is a Class D felony. Theft of anhydrous ammonia is also a felony no matter the value.
What is a Class C and D felony?The maximum fine can be $10,000 or up to $100,000. Crimes in Class C are less severe than crimes in Class B. However, they are more severe than a Class D felony. For example, a Class D felony conviction usually has a maximum sentence of 25 years in prison.Oct 31, 2016
"5-12-102. Robbery.(a) A person commits robbery if, with the purpose of committing a felony or misdemeanor theft or resisting apprehension immediately after committing a felony or misdemeanor theft, the person employs or threatens to immediately employ physical force upon another person.(b) Robbery is a Class B felony."
It is a class D felony!
In Indiana the limitation on a Class D felony is five years. That will depend on the time not being tolled.