Unfortunately, this is a Class D Felony in 48 states, and a Class E felony in the other two. The BATFE regulates prop weapons, and require that the plug be permanently affixed to the barrel by the Manufacturer.
Hope this helps.
If I am correct. It appears you have a Mossberg. If so, remove the barrel attaching screw at the end of the magazine. Turn you gun upside down, plug should fall out. MAKE SURE THE GUN IS UNLOADED BEFORE YOU START. Lonny
Follow instructions in owner's manual. Take it to a gun shop. Get a manual from Lyman.
It would help if you stated the model.
you first begin by standing the gun on it's butt compress the barrel downward and loosen then remove the nut on the magizine and remove the forarm you then remove the barrel by getting a firm grip on the barrel and pull it off you can then remove the frictoin rings and spring
you'll have to take the gun apart to remove it.
You can't buy it, you have to convert it yourself.
Usually found with cannon, a tampion is a wooden plug used to keep foreign matter out of a cannon barrel when the cannon is not being fired.
Oxidation of the steel of a gun barrel.