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Yes, you can. What some people do is just scrape the resin out and make a ball with it then just smoke that. But the way to make real hash is to get rubbing alcohol and wash the pipe with it. You may want to let the pipe sit in the rubbing alcohol for a while. After it soaks for a while you can just wipe the resin off with a paper towel. While the pipe was soaking the rubbing alcohol absorbed the THC, the chemical that gets you high, from the pipe. If you put the alcohol in a pan and heat it up on the stove you will make the alcohol evaporate. When the alcohol evaporates your left with a really sticky resin on the pan. This resin is hash. Scrape it up was a razor and cool it so that it turns for solid. I like to put my hash on my weed, it gets you really, REALLY high! :D

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