You will have lose of appetite.
Yes, appetite increase while you are pregnant
seeing gross things can make you lose your appetite.
During the first trimester, it is usually normal.
that could be stress or youre pregnant.
Yes, it can make you lose your appetite.
They shouldn't. If they are perhaps they are stressed by something sudden happening in their lives / environment. That, or maybe they are being fed to much. We feed our huskies two cups of food, once a day and they never lose their appetite.
I find that I never lose my appetite for grapes, I can eat them all day long.
Check your iron levels; if they are too low, you can lose your appetite.
Bettas do not get pregnant. They are egg layers. If she has gone off her food then I would advise you to check out her water quality and replace some of it.
Yes, your appetite definitely changes when you are pregnant. For some women, the appetite is increased, so that it seems like they want to eat everything they see. For many women, like myself, the appetite is more fickle. I will be hungry right up until I finish preparing my meal, and then I will suddenly lose my appetite. I can get sweets, fast food, and anything that basically isn't good for me down the hatch easily (by easily, I mean no gagging on it). However, when it comes to normal food that I would usually love to eat... I really have a hard time having an appetite for it to begin with, and then it doesn't go down easily at all. Your appetite can change all throughout your pregnancy. Things you loved to eat may not look as good to you... things you hated turn into things you love. It's weird how it works, and it can be all over the board.
Certain medications can make you lose your appetite. Smoking, feeling unwell and very warm weather can also contribute to a loss of appetite.