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Yes, the pill is not 100% preventative.

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Q: Can you have pregnancy symptoms while on the pill?
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Can you get pregnancy symptoms while on the mini pill?

Yes you can get symptoms, Menstual and pregnancy symptoms are very similar so can be confused alot, such as cramps, headaches, sore breasts, feeling poorly. If you suspect you are pregnant than take a test but this is very unlikely if you have been taking your pill correctly (same time every day, not 3 hours later than the time you usually take it). The mini-pill will not affect a pregnancy test result.

If you get pregnant while on birth control pills will you still show the withdrawal bleeding while on the placebos and would pregnancy symptoms still occur on the pill?

Yes you will still have a period but it may be later and old blood. Yes pregnancy symptoms would still occur.

Could stopping the birth control pill cause pregnancy symptoms?

If you're not taking the pill, it's always possible to get pregnant, fake symptoms or not.

What symptoms would you have if you are pregnant while on the pill?

If you are on the pill it is unlikely that you are pregnant. If you did get pregnant you would have the same symptoms as if you were not on the pill. Nausea, fatigue, tender breasts, heartburn, frequent urination. Missing a period COULD be a sign - but would be less reliable because you are taking hormones. At home pregnancy tests will work even if you are on the pill.

I have all the symptoms for pregnancy but i changed my birth control pill 3 weeks ago. Are these symptoms still from changing my pill or could i be pregnant?

if you have had unprotected sex recently even if you are on birth control you could be pregnant. i suggest taking a pregnancy test :)

If youre on the pill and you do a pregnancy test will the results be accurate or will it just show your body as pregnant because the pill tricks it in this way?

Hello. A pregnancy test will be accurate while your on the pill.

What pill for headache can you take while early pregnancy?


How do i know if I'm pregnant if im taking the pill?

You will miss your period,have pregnancy symptoms, or you could take a home pregnancy test or see your Dr.

Am on birth control no symptoms of pregnancy and neg pregnancy tests?

This is what you would expect to occur; but there are slight chances to become pregnant even when taking the pill.

What are some other possible pregnancy symptoms after stopping the pill other than a missed period?

Pregnancy symptoms apart from a missed period are: Tiredness Excessive Urination Blood like discharge or spotting Tummy cramps Vaginal discharge Headaches Feeling of being unwell Tender or swollen breasts Tender or swollen nipples Darkening of the aerola The pill can give you pregnancy symptoms after you've recently stopped taking it.

When can you take a pregnancy test while on the pill?

You can take a pregnancy test 2-3 weeks after you had unprotected intercourse and it will be accurate.

Ive only been on the pill for 3 months and went off it recently and am now having pregnancy like symptoms could it just be from going off the pill?

maybe so