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yes this is a proven fact. My mom had her period every month not knowing she was pregnant. she got tested and sure enough it was positive. she had a normal flow and no current signs of pregnancy.

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Q: Can you have a normal period and still be pregnant after IUI?
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How can you know that I am pregnant after having your IUI?

It is best to wait 14 days after the IUI to have a pregnancy test done. A blood test at that. I am in the same process and my physician sugested that I wait the full 14 days to avoid any false-negatives or false-positives. It has been 5days since my IUI and the wait tests my patience daily. I was also told that the injectables and IUI may feel like your pregnant as the symptoms are similar. Good Luck

Could be pregnant if lower abdomen pains after iui?

aug22 my first iui done.after iui 2days higher stomach pain for me.and another days stomach pain is low.and then slightly lower stomach pain for me.what are the symptoms for this is?pls answered for me?

What are symptoms after iui?

after iui symptoms

Is it safe to go to the beach after iui?

Generally it is safe to resume your normal daily activities, however you should discuss this with your doctor. Rest is the best after IUI. Avoid heavy lifting or any strenuous activity.

Who soon after IUI can you test for pregnancy?

after 2 weeks from iui date

If you have the feeling of gas in stomach are you pregnant?

It was for me. About 10 days after my iui I could not stop belching and passing gas. It was insane...non stop all day. That and itchy nipples were the only signs I had prior to a positive hpt.

What should i do if i get vaginal infection after iui?

im in the same boat. call your doctor who proformed the iui

How long after an IUI can a pregnancy test be accurate?

you can start testing at around 10 days past the IUI, you want to make sure that if you had a trigger shot that the HCG is out of your system. testing at 10 days past could possibly still give you a false negative, if you want to be more accurate and have patience, you should wait until 12-14 days after the IUI.

How did Jon and Kate have twins?

Jon and Kate Gosselin got pregnant via IUI (Interuterine insemination) which has a higher chance of resulting in multiples than becomign pregnant naturally or via other fertility treatments like IVF.

Does Medicaid cover iui?
