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PiercingYou should wait 6-8 weeks after a navel piercing before you go swimming. While the salt in ocean water is better for keeping your piercing clean, it is still best to avoid the ocean for 6-8 weeks to avoid any bacteria.

You also want to stay out of the pool (chlorine) for 6-8 weeks, as chlorine may irritate the piercing.

In addition, lakes and rivers do not contain any disinfectant, therefore they contain A LOT of bacteria. Avoid lakes and rivers for 8 weeks until your piercing is healed.

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βˆ™ 10y ago
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βˆ™ 16y ago

Definitely wait until it heals, which can be a couple of weeks. Even when it has healed, going in the ocean can irritate it (I've seen it happen! Not pretty).

You must clean it out very well after a swim in the ocean. Soap, water, the works, and watch it closely.

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βˆ™ 13y ago

I would say that youd only have to wait a couple of weeks if that, the salt cant do it any harm as salt is good for piercings. Your allowed to get piercings wet.. so i would say just as soon as it stops being sore. Dont take my definite word for it though as that's just my personal opinion and im not a piercer ( thought i do have an industrial piercing..!)

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βˆ™ 14y ago

u probably have to wait a certain amount of weeks or days just like with any other body piercing, because when i got my belly button done i had to wait 3 weeks to a month before i could go swimming. So i would call and ask just to be sure k <3

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βˆ™ 16y ago

Usually about 8 weeks, but you can use tegaderm (a 3M membrane patch) to cover it if you just have to go in.

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βˆ™ 15y ago

Never the less it is an open wound. Could get infected.

Wait till it stops hurting or dry.

you don't have to isn't major surgery

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βˆ™ 14y ago

You should wait till it heals. The healing period for a tragus is about 2-3 months. If you can find a way to put a waterproof bandage on it though, you're fine. I havent found a way yet.

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βˆ™ 13y ago

Wait about 2 months before you get them wet. You can go swimming as long as you dont submerge your head/ears/piercings.

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βˆ™ 15y ago

72 hours

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Q: Can you go swimming after you get your industrial piercing done?
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Can you go swimming after you've get a belly button piercing?

Yes. Just wash the piercing out once you are done.

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Yes but rinse the piercing out once you are done swimming.

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You could go swimming 72 hours after having it done just be sure to clean the piercing when you are done with your day of swimming.

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2-3 months before the piercing can be submerged. You can go swimming now as long as the piercing doesnt get wet.

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You'll be fine, i go swimming in lakes, pools, etc. I've had mine for six months, and I've been swimming almost since i got it. Just wash it afterwards.

Can you get your industrial piercing when your 15?

Yes but it depends on where you go... i got mine done in July and i was still 14 when i was in Hollywood.. just go with a parent of course :)

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once you have your belly pierced you may go swimming after 2 weeks..i was worried when i got mine done cause my vacation was 2 weeks after i got it done so of course i asked about swimming and he told me 2 weeks so there ya go.. :-)

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Industrial piercings are done with a needle in the hands of a trained professional body piercer. Ardenes is not a body piercing facility, they are not licensed to do body piercing nor do they know how to do industrial piercings. They use piercing guns for ear lobes only. See a professional body piercer at a body piercing studio or your local professional tattoo shop.

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Yes you can just wash the piercing out well once you are done.

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Local tattoo and piercing shops are the primary place to go when wanting to learn more about the industrial bar piercing. Information about this piercing can also be found online on the About site.

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Wait at least 2 months before you actually get the piercing wet. Before that, you can swim as long as you dont get your ears wet. Be sure to clean them well afterwards too. Water if filthy, and if you go swimming earlier, you increase the risk of infection.

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Swimming in a chlorinated pool is fine just be sure to rinse your piercing out with warm water in the shower when you are done for the day.