Scrooge is a fictional character created by Charles Dickens in his novel "A Christmas Carol." He is a wealthy but miserly and cold-hearted businessman who undergoes a transformation after being visited by three ghosts on Christmas Eve. The story follows Scrooge's journey towards redemption and rediscovering the true spirit of Christmas.
Other people, avoid scrooge. Even the guide dogs guiding the blinds avoid him. They don't give importance to him like Scrooge doesn't give importance to them...
The cratchit family
A Huge turkey
He invites him to Christmas dinner.
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That the scene he has witnessed are scenes of what may be an not will be
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Initially nothing after his change of heart he paid her well
On his visit to Scrooge Marley clearly tells Scrooge that his life did not move from the counting house meaning he worked like Scrooge for money at all times and that mankind and its welfare should have been his business
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Very loving, kind of heart and very honest
A prize turkey