No. You have to be legally 18. Or you have to have adult consent. I wanted my lip done and my Dad wouldn't let me so I checked it out. But my Mom let me.
well if you're under 18 you need a parent/guardian with you. but some shops wouldn't pierce me unless i was 16 and with a parent. but i went to another place who did it with my parental consent and i was 15.
16 with parental consent, 18 without
I am 14 years old, and I recently got my nose pierced. Many piercing places vary with the age that you're allowed. There is no law with nose piercings, like there is with tattoos, but many places recommend 13 years of age, with parental consent, and 16 years of age with ID. I hope this helped:)
You Have To Be Atleast 18. :)
It depends on local legislation.
Most likely. . . At age 18.
only with parental consent
No, I don't think so. In most places, you have to be 18 years old. If you are younger, then you need parental consent. But I highly suggest researching getting a piercing before you decide that's what you want.
any age as long as you parent gives you consent ....usually they sign something.
In the state of Michigan, you can get pierced as young as 16 years of age with proper parental consent. For this you will have to have both of your parents present for the time of paperwork completion, instructions on aftercare, they will have to be present throughout the entire procedure, you will need to supply a copy of your birth certificate as well as they will have to supply their state issued ID's. Without consent, you will have to wait till 18 years of age.
No, you cannot.Under Wisconsin law, if you are under the age of sixteen, you are only permitted to have an ear piercing with parental consent.Once you reach the age of 16, you may get any kind of piercing as long as you have parental consent.