Only if you have not taken it properly like if you have missed a pill or you have been ill diarrhea or you have vomit. If any of these have happened to you your suppose to use some kind of other contraceptive like a condom etc for the next seven days. It should explain all this in your instructions that you get with your pill. Hope this helps you :o) xx
sure, that is a whole point of birth control
If you get your period while on birth control, you should continue using your birth control as scheduled. Bleeding does not change the schedule for taking your pill or changing your patch or ring.
Yes. However you decrease the chances by taking your birth control correctly and by using condoms.
Over the counter pain relief such as tylenol, advil, and possibly others are safe to use while using birth control pills.
If you get your period while wearing the birth control patch, continue using the patch as scheduled. If this becomes a problematic pattern for you, contact your health care provider.
Get on birth control if you're still worried about chances of getting pregnant use condoms while using birth control also.
I'm on nitrofurantoin right now as well as birth control, and my doctor told me that while on the antibiotic my birth control pill is cancelled out, meaning its basically the same as using no protection at all.
Yes. Some birth control methods stops a women from getting a period for up to 15-18 months at times. Especially if you are using the Depo-provera birth control shot.
Can birth control be ineffective while taking metronidazole?
Yes, you can. While birth control is reliable, there is no birth control that is 100% effective.
Yes. Cramps and spotting are a very common side effect while using birth control, especially in the first 1 to 3 months.
Yes, antibiotics can potentially reduce the effectiveness of birth control pills, so it is recommended to use additional contraceptive methods while taking antibiotics to prevent pregnancy.