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Q: Can you get pregnant missing last week of active pills?
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In what order do you take birth control pills and which color do you take first?

Hello - You start taking birth control pills on the last day of your period. You will have seven pills which are a different colour from the other pills. The seven different coloured pills are the "non- active or sugar pills" which you start taking after you have finished taking the active pills. The active pills are the 28+ different coloured pills from the non active ones.

Are you still protected the first day of hormone pills you take after the placebo week?

Hormone pills are NOT necessarily birth control pills, so you should make sure that it is intended for the correct usage. And no, you can't get pregnant on the last week of the inactive pills, you've already been taking three weeks of the active pills by then, which is why those pills are for the last week of your cycle; which usually are some sort of iron supplement.

How do you skip your period on ortho tri-cyclen?

After taking your three weeks of active pills, just skip the sugar pills in the last row and go directly into a new pack. You take 6 rows of active pills (all the active pills from 2 packs) and skip the period you would have gotten on the sugar pills

What are the last 7 pills for birth control for?

The last seven pills in the birth control pack are to keep you in the habit of taking pills. Some contain vitamins, but most contain no active ingredients.

If you took three birth control pills on the last day of taking the active pills could it cause you to be late?

It could. There should be no reason to take 3 bcp in one day. If you previously missed them, you could be pregnant and should take a pregnancy test.

Are you protected from pregnancy when you have had intercourse on the last day of active pills before you take the non active pills?

Yes you should be proctected provided that you are taking the pills at regular times everyday, but it is still a good idea to use a condom as well.

Which pill is the reminder?

It should be the last pill in the pack that is different colored from the active pills. Different pill brands different color pills.

If you miss a period and missed the last 3 active pills can you still get pregnant?

Anything is possible... if it has been 72 hours or less since your last sexual encounter I suggest the Morning After Pill/Plan B. Side effects SUCK but it will reduce your chances of being pregnant with an effective rate of 89%. Good luck

You lost an active pill down the drain Do you just take the next days pill?

Replace the missing pill with the last active pill in your pack. Take the other pills in the pack as scheduled. You'll finish the active pills a day earlier than originally expected. You should also start the next pack a day earlier than expected so that the pill-free break is no longer than seven days.

Also which are the sugar pills Im guessing the last ones can you skip them?

If you don't know, check with your prescriber or pharmacist. A few birth control pills have no sugar pills, and there's no point in skipping active pills.

What happens if you dont get your period on the 22nd day after taking last active pill?

Your period can arrive anytime during the non-active pills which are the 7 pills at the end of your pack. If you miss a period perform a pregnancy test.

If you missed last active pill and then started new active pill after sugar pills a day late and had sex the night you had the first active pill can you fall pregnant?

Since birth control pills arent 100% effective, no matter what there is always a chance of pregnancy. If you have been on the pill for a while, then took the pill after you missed it you should be fine but you should go to the doctor and get a blood test to check your hormone levels for pregnancy just in case.