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When it comes to getting pregnant, sometimes "close" is enough. If a man ejaculates on your body or close to your vagina, it is possible that you will rub or wipe some of his semen into your vagina. And it doesn't take much.

Sex is how humans produce new humans. It is terribly efficient!

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Q: Can you get pregnant if your boyfriend never ejaculated inside you?
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You had bad cramps which you always get a day before your period and your boyfriend and you had unprotected sex and he ejaculated in you and your period never came. could this mean you are pregnant?

Yes, this certainly is a possibility.

Does a man have to have previously ejaculated in order to get you pregnant from pre-ejaculate?

You can "pre-ejaculte" even if you have never ejaculated before and get a girl prgnant. There is almost always sperm in pre-ejaculate.

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Is there a chance you could be pregnant if your boyfriend has never came inside you?

First off, are you sleeping with anyone else? Perhaps someone besides your boyfriend "came" inside you. Also sperm are very resilient, they can probably swim across bed sheets.

I am 4 weeks pregnant but my boyfriend says he never came in you how did i get pregnant?

Yes you can get pregnant from pre-cum. I didn't though I was using the PULL OUT for 7 years and nothing. I am ready now and having a little trouble. So yes you can get pregnant from any type of cum

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What do you think? She is only 12 years old!!! She has never had a boyfriend!!!!!

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No! She was never pregnant, they were all rumours! Why do you people always believe rumours about fake things! And she won't become pregnant as she doesn't have a boyfriend or a husband as her and Zac broke up last December!

Your boyfriend and you been together 4 5years and including dis year and you never got pregnant by him then you had sex with your ex that has 2 kids already and now im pregnant and you dont who the th?

your screwed!!!!!! you know the answer- Maury

What are the symptoms if you cant get a girl pregnant?

If you have tried masturbating lots of times and have never ejaculated. You can ask the Doctor for a sperm test to see if there are sperm in your semen.

Can you get pregnant if you pee in a pool and the water is cold but your around alot of guys who probably ejaculated in the water around u And i have never had sex i havent had my period in 11 days?

Peeing in a pool will not make you pregnant. Your pee hole and your vaginal opening are 2 different things. And the chlorine in the pool would also kill the sperm if their was any.